Familiar and yet different,
Breathing space to be present,
To not be overcome and consumed,
To resist the rising pace and business.
To breathe in at the core,
To be with the power of the quiet and stillness,
To hear the early morning bird call,
The soothing sounds reminding us of natures call.
Our call to take over place and position seriously,
Seriously and yet lightly,
To explore the flow and connection,
The infinite way we all connect to each other.
The bringing together of the dot to dots,
Joining up with awareness,
Awareness of the push and pull we hold,
The strength and yet fragility of the power we hold.
To do nothing, to do something,
Both states have an impact,
To be mindful and conscious,
To be aware and awake.
Awake to the giant within,
To the consciousness of all life,
To embrace the quiet and stillness,
To listen to the voice,
To be still and know.